The Magic of Plant Stem Cells

Ever notice how during the dead of winter and the ‘dog days’ of summer everything seems to just… stop?

Like that moment in between the slow upward climb of a roller coaster and the first sensations of falling…

There is a stillness that grips the earth.

But not in the spring and fall.

Here there is movement, sometimes rapid. It is a time of transition... the beginning and ending of cycles.

Both have similar characteristics. For example, the smell of fresh earth after a spring rain is a lot like the fragrance of decaying leaves each fall.

Likewise, colors reach a similar peak – the red, orange and yellow leaves of fall mirror the red, orange and yellow buds of spring.

Life and death, beginning and end, the yin and yang.

In fall, the biochemistry and life force energy return to the roots for a brief rest.

And each spring that energy returns to the visible world.

This is a slow process that escapes the eye for many months… yet just as a baby develops in the darkness of mother’s womb, new life is beginning to form even as the autumn leaves fall back to the earth.

As winter drags on it can seem like nothing is happening.

And yet, day by day, potential builds.

Then in late winter as the days begin to warm and lengthen, life force energy begins to stir.

Minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and hormones begin to move up and out of the roots and gather in the buds.

Have you ever been in the woods of early spring and felt the buzz in the air as the earth begins to wake back up?

That buzz is life force surging, seemingly bursting at its seams until a threshold is reached, buds begin to open, and visible growth begins.

When creating embryonic plant extracts, it is in these days and moments leading up to this emergence that the buds are carefully handpicked and that potential is captured.

Just as the biochemistry and life force energies spark growth and regeneration in the trees, they trigger healing and regeneration of damaged tissues within the body.

And in the case of BreethEze, our focus is on the body’s first line of defense against air pollution – the mucous membranes of the lungs, nose, and throat.

Like a window screen that blocks bugs and dust from entering your home, the mucous membranes capture and remove toxins and particles that we breathe in with the air.

But with repeated exposure, these barriers can become inflamed, painful, and over time begin to break down. In defense they can begin secreting too much mucous or dry up all together.

This results in common symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and congestion.

Meanwhile, the immune system becomes overworked, imbalanced, and can even begin attacking itself.

The five plants used in BreethEze are known to support and strengthen the upper respiratory and immune systems.

Plus, they contain the anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals needed for ongoing protection against the negative effects of breathing dirty air.

Best of all, the spring surge of life force energy is felt in each spray. 

If you live in an area that experiences bad air quality, the magically regenerative powers of spring that are found in BreethEze can help you feel better in the moment… and help prevent symptoms from returning in the future.

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