The Story

BreethEze wants to exist.

There were so many challenges throughout its development that I often put it on the shelf not knowing if I would ever pick it back up.

And yet each time this happened, a synchronicity would occur and breathe new life into the project.

The story of it's creation is about a lifelong love affair with nature, overcoming the inevitable challenges we all face, and walking through open doors.

See, as a child I spent most of my time in the forest, on water, and with stories on magic and plants.

Nature was my escape and inspiration.

Later, this led to having a private practice in natural healthcare and work that fulfilled me on an extremely deep level.

But it didn’t last.

The work was physical and a severe elbow injury crippled my ability to do it well.

No amount of therapy helped (I tried it ALL) and eventually I made the decision to have surgery in the hope that it might save my career.

But that didn’t work either.

Not knowing what to do next (and tired of being in pain) I closed up shop and hit the road.

I had to reinvent myself.

Eventually I landed in Salt Lake City, Utah and it was the perfect place at the perfect time – mountains, nature, wildlife, and abundant opportunity.

I again thrived and soon found myself in Maui visiting a girlfriend.

And one night, in paradise of all places, I woke up unable to breathe…

Gasping for breath, I almost knocked her out of bed trying to wake her up.

But luckily, on her nightstand she had a solution that worked instantly.

I took a few sprays of this unknown elixir and fell right back asleep.

(Later, I learned that even when not erupting, volcanoes can release some nasty chemistry into the air. And that night the wind shifted and was it blowing right at us.)

I didn’t think anything more of it until I got back to Salt Lake a few weeks later…

After a week in the lush tropical paradise I was again in the smog cloud that tends to set in between winter storms… It was again so thick I couldn’t even see the mountains only a few miles from my home.

And it struck me – WHY is there not a similar solution available here?

Sure, I could breathe…

But breathing that air brought back the sore throat and bloody nose.

Thus began my quest to provide a natural solution to air pollution.

The thing is, I had NO idea what I was getting into.

What I thought would be as simple as taking the volcano remedy and tweaking it for urban air pollution couldn't have been further from the truth.

For starters, the key ingredients don't even grow on this continent... and on top of that they were based on something I've never heard of:

Plant stem cells.

I realized early on that this was not going to be a quick project.

Tons of research was going to be required and so I put it on the back burner for a few years until I met my partner and actually moved to northern Europe.

And as fate would have it, this was the home of those plant cell remedies I needed.

Over the next several months, we traveled around Europe visiting with various producers, obtaining samples, and testing them back home.

Some were good but none were great until I finally met with a small, family run business in Belgium.

It was obvious from the moment I sampled their stuff – they were different.

The buds and shoots were all organic and handpicked in the wild… We could literally taste and feel the life force in their products.

Testing back home confirmed their power and after some final tweaking of the formula, BreethEze was born.

We tried many, but none of the products and mixtures I experimented with provided the fast acting and sustained relief as does this special blend of buds from this particular part of the earth.

If you are dealing with a health problem made worse by air pollution I am excited to share this with you because I know how well it can help.

Sure, you can hide out on bad air days, install expensive air filters in your home, or just pick up and move all together.

You could also do what I did and spend years in research and experimentation to find a formula that works best.

Or you could take advantage of my efforts and experience how BreethEze can help you, now.

So, know that if a bottle should find you it was made possible by synchronicities far more powerful than any amount of willpower I may have been able to muster.

This elixir WANTED to be created and I am grateful to be able to share it with you.